Serving God by serving our Neighbors
Whether it is a broken fence or a broken heart, we are serving to open doors and share the Gospel.
About At Heart
At Heart Ministries works in rural communities, meeting needs to build relationships. Our focus is to provide for the physical needs of our neighbors, and be the hands, feet, and heart of God. By doing life together and showing genuine love for our neighbors, we are better able to speak into their lives. God loves each of us so deeply, and He has been pursuing each heart since the beginning of time. Whether we are working to edify and encourage, sowing seeds, or watering, our prayer and joy is to see God glorified, and hearts won for Christ.
What Are the Ministries of At Heart?
In May of 2022, God led the Comer family to step out and trust Him. They asked to see Him do big things, and in return He asked them to trust Him. In June, Nathan led his family to leave their church in Oregon to return to Montana and begin a building ministry. That ministry is called Building for the Kingdom and is gearing up to enter the second year of service.
At Heart is about more than buildings and construction, truly seeing lives, hearts, and homes impacted for Christ is what we strive for. We look ahead to the work God has for us and rejoice in His faithfulness to see us through to the end.
All Glory to God
What God has been doing in rural Montana.
Hello Comers! It was good to hear you made your destination and are already busy ministering to others before you’ve had a chance to unpack. However it doesn’t surprise me because you were busy in so many areas teaching, working and meeting the needs of so many! I want to thank you again for being such a blessing to our church and to me personally. I pray you are blessed in your ministry, family and whatever you put your hands to.
Much Love & God Bless,

Thank you so much for helping with our siding!
Mrs. D.
At Heart Ministries Youtube channel
Midweek Warm-Up ~ Ministry Updates ~ Movie Reviews
Soon we hope to share more videos of Montana and all that God is doing here in rural Western Montana.
Any eventual monetization from this channel will go into the At Heart Ministries General Fund to cover ministry expenses and provide for future ministry projects.

At Heart Ministries Newsletter
At Heart Ministries
12208 Pulp Mill Rd. Missoula, MT. 59808
P: (406)203-2463
© Copyright 2022 At Heart Ministries